Poetry Anthologies
These alps, Stadtsprachen magazine, vloume 27
Few poems translated to English, Between Babylon and Berlin, Edited by Sophus Helle and Aya Labanieh, To be published with Wesleyan University Press.
“The day after”, “Gaza war”, Helicon literary journal, Editing by Navit Barel (Hebrew)
“Babylon Berlijn - Je Zult De Toren Van Babel Met Heel Je Hart Leifhebben In Gebroken Taal” (Vertaling: Sylvie Hoyinck), Terras Magazine - “Babel”, Volume 24, 2023. ISBN: 9789083216041
A stop on the right time, Helicon literary journal, Editing by Navit Barel (Hebrew)
Resistance, edited by Ilan Seinfeld (Hebrew)
“Can’t Prostrate myself at my Grandmother’s Grave”: A poem translated from Hebrew by Eran Edry, Banipal 72: Iraqi Jewish Writers, London.
Gedicht no. 5, Herzattacke II/2021: Literatur- und Kunstzeitschrift/ dreiunddreißigster Jahrgang.
Two Hebrew translation to the poems of David Berman. Stadtsprachen Magazine.
Jerusalem (Traduction de Michel Eckhard Elial), LEMONDE DES VILLES // Jerusalem. (Little big book artist: peintures et poesies, Voltje Editions, France.
The poems “The state of contemporary poetry” and “danger” were published on StadtSprachen Magazine no. 15.
Four poems - Templehofer Park, Words and worlds magazine - / Worte & Welten - An Austrian bilingual magazine for migrant literature, Spring issue.
Four poems, Bombay Review, Issue 28, Jan-Feb.
“Why don’t i write Israeli love poems”, Grand Tour: Reisen durch die junge Lyrik Europas, Herausgegeben von Federico Italiano and Jan Wagner, Hanser Verlag, 2019, page 201, (German and Hebrew).
Gaza II, Requiem pour Gaza, Colour gang publishers (Paris with an intro from Adunis Ali Ahmad Said Esber).
“The words of departure” appeared in „A wie Jüdisch: In 22 Buchstaben durch die Gegenwart.“ - An exhibition in the Jewish museum in Berlin. 2018-2019. (English, Hebrew and German).
Thinking about Israel, TextLand Magazine, 2.11.2018. (English).
Straight fundamentalism, B/G Magazine, 2.7.2018. (English).
Moonlight tale, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
And I regret that I missed a way to his heart, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
And the eyes of my brother, Benjamin, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
Crooked god machine, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
Disaster begins at a business lunch, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
The Poem is the safest place, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
Straight fundamentalism, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
Some words in Hebrew just can't be translated, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
There Was Never a Home in Poetry, Ygdrasil magazine, VOL XXV!, Issue 7, Number 303, 2018, (English).
Downstairs, From heavenly Aleppo, Rigorous Magazine. Volume Two, Issue 1, 2018 (English).
And I regret that I missed a way to his heart, Rigorous Magazine. Volume Two, Issue 1, 2018 (English).
And we were the Savage Poets, Rigorous Magazine. Volume Two, Issue 1, 2018 (English).
There Was Never a Home in Poetry, Rigorous Magazine. Volume Two, Issue 1, 2018 (English).
Breaking Passports, Rigorous Magazine. Volume Two, Issue 1, 2018 (English).
On the other side of the Poetry, Rigorous Magazine. Volume Two, Issue 1, 2018 (English).
“Remembering your golden years: Elegy for George Michael”, “Issues”, 2017. (English).
“Downstairs, from heavenly Aleppo”, “972 Magazine” (English), “Haokets” (Hebrew and Arabic). 2017.
“The Cause of My Death: Too Many Love Songs”. Cultural buzz. 2015 (English).
“Jerusalem”, “Jerusalem Celestial: Jerusalem Terrenal“, An anthology Edited by: Yaron Avitov, Amadeus, 2015 (Spanish).
Poems. Anisa Ashkar’s Art Catalog. 2013 (Arabic and Hebrew).
Selected Poems were translated to German on “Lyrikline” Site. 2012 (German, Arabic, Italian, Hebrew and English).
Why don't I write Israeli Love Songs, Lyrikline, 2012.
In an Entire Ruined Village and at the Jaffa Expulsion, Lyrikline, 2012.
“In an Entire Ruined Village and at the Jaffa Expulsion” by “Zeek” Magazine. 2011 (English).
“Why Don’t I Write Israeli Love Songs”, Fusion - Big Bridge Magazine. 2010 (English).
The Poem “Ballad of the Middle of the Twenty First Century”, “Märchenland: Die beteiligten Autoren setzten sich mit den Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm auseinander, brachten ihre prosaische Form auf eine lyrische Ebene und begaben sich in die mitunter ambivalenten Bereiche des kulturellen Gedächtnisses in Deutschland und Israel.” 2007. German).