I’m involved in creating cultural projects all over the world. My idea is to use literature and poetry in order to create diverse transnational communities. National borders made out of ideas. I do think that literature and poetry and other arts can create passports to worlds we never did visit. The writing of the Immigrant and refugees is the best tool to resist these extreme national winds.
Gidi & Mati
PARATAXE Symposium XIV: Hebräisch? Jiddisch? Berlin?
LIterary Group
Anu אנו نحن: Jews and Arabs Writing in Berlin
The project Jews and Arabs writing stories in Berlin aims to be the very first Literary Group to work through and with the specificity of the Mizrahi culture in Berlin, side to side with authors and poets who arrived from the same locations. We want to see the difference that has shaped our lives become apparent in our words. But more importantly, we want to see the similarities we share.
Monthly Event
Poetic Hafla
“Poetic Hafla (“Party” in Arabic) was a monthly event for multilingual literary readings, spoken-word poetry and interdisciplinary performance art that took place at various venues throughout the city (2016-2018). Organised by Israelis but attended by guests of various national backgrounds, the Poetic Hafla reflects my belief that Berlin is not simply a city once conquered by Hitler or divided by a menacing wall but rather a liberal environment in which linguistic, cultural and religious identities can be negotiated openly, indeed, a city where walls can and should be toppled..”